Monday, October 11, 2010

On the Road with Josh

Josh the Trailer Driver
This shoeless man in the picture is Josh Needleman.  He is Peacock Alley's resident trailer driver.  One day his older brother Jason was so sick of seeing his face around the Peacock Alley office that he decided to send Josh on a little adventure...

It just so happened that Josh had this old, rusty trailer sitting at the back of the warehouse.  He scrubbed it down and turned it into the beauty that is now known as "Steel Magnolia". 

Then off he went on his California road trip, two weeks full of fun, mischief and of course Peacock Alley linens.

And now we are sharing all of Josh's "on the road antics" - featuring daily diary entries and never-seen-before photos - all of Josh's secrets will be revealed.  Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I live in California. He can stay at my place!!!
